Delavirdine (Rescriptor) must be used with at least twoadditional antiretroviral agents to treat HIV-1 infections.The oral absorption of delavirdine is rapid, and peakplasma concentrations develop in 1 hour. Extensive metabolismoccurs in the liver by CYP isozyme 3A (CYP3A) orpossibly CYP2D6. Bioavailability is 85%. Unlike nevirapine,which is 48% protein bound, delavirdine is more than98% protein bound. The half-life is 2 to 11 hours, andelimination is 44% in feces, 51% in urine, and less than 5%unchanged in urine. Delavirdine induces its own metabolism.Oral dosage forms are supplied as a 200-mg capsuleand a 100-mg tablet.