ケンフェロール 化學特性,用途語,生産方法
ケンフェロール,黃色の針狀晶.融點276~278 ℃.λmax 265,365 nm.水に難溶,熱エタノール,アルカリ液に可溶.エタノール溶液はFeCl3により紫褐色を呈し,酢酸鉛で橙色の沈殿を生じる.
ケンフェロール,フラボノールの一種.自然界には一般に配糖體として存在し,そのおもなものは,マメ科ニセアカシアRobinia pseudoacaciaの花,クズPueralia hirsutaの葉などに含まれるロビニン(3-ラムノガラクトシド-7-ラムノシド),マメ科マルバハギLespedeza cyrtobotrya,ウリ科カラスウリTrichosanthes cucumeroidesの葉などに含まれるケンフェリトリン,マメ科レンゲAstragalus sinicusの花,ツバキ科チャThea sinensisの葉などに含まれるアストラガリン(3-グルコシド)などである.
Yellow Solid
Kaempferol, is used as an inhibitor of Fatty Acid Synthase, Cox-1 activity, and Topo I. It also Induces caspase-9-mediated apoptosis in a variety of cancer cell lines via downregulation of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) expression. Exhibits antioxidant activity and attenuates osteoclastic bone reabsorption in vitro. Also blocks EGF-induced histone H3Ser10 phosphorylation in mouse epidermal JB6 C141 cells.
Kaempferol is a polyphenolic antioxidant abundantly present in vegetables and fruits. It has a diphenylpropane structure. In many plants, it is present as a glycosidic form namely, kaempferol-3-
Naturally occurring flavonoid found in Gingko biloba and red wines that activates the mitochondrial Ca 2+ uniporter (EC 50 = 7 μ M). Induces caspase-9-mediated apoptosis in a variety of cancer cell lines via downregulation of polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) expression. Exhibits antioxidant activity and attenuates osteoclastic bone reabsorption in vitro .
Kaempferol is one of the secondary metabolites found in some plants, plant-derivedfoods, and traditional medicines. It is a flavonoid compound obtained from someedible plants including grapes, tea, strawberries, broccoli, tomato, cabbage, leek,kale, endive, and beans. It inhibits growth and migration of pancreatic cancer cellsby acting on proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase (Src), ERK1/2, and AKT pathways(Singh et al. 2016a). It is being investigated in pancreatic and lung cancers toevaluate its antiangiogenic, anticancer, and radical scavenging activities. It showsmoderate cytostatic activity in PC3, HeLa, and K562 human cancer cells. It isidentified as aryl hydrocarbon receptor antagonist and acts against ABCG2 (ATP-bindingcassette subfamily G member 2)-mediated multidrug resistance bypreventing the ABCG2 upregulation in esophageal carcinoma. It induces theapoptosis of ovarian cancer cell by activating p53 in intrinsic pathway mechanism.It is an inhibitor of breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), quinine reductase-2,and a substrate of BCRP (Calderon-Montano et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2012).
ケンフェロール 上流と下流の製品情報